Episode 1.16 – No Nukes Is Good Nukes… Or Is It?
Welcome to Episode 1.16: No Nukes Is Good Nukes, or Is It? Thanks for listening, Finers; please subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, and make sure to keep a copy of this episode in your local fallout shelter. In this two-parter, we get down into the details of nuclear weapons history with Alex Wellerstein of the Stevens Institute of Technology. We discuss various efforts intended to achieve nuclear disarmament, who has the authority for nuclear weapons use, what are the biggest threats facing us in the future, and what you can do to reduce your risk of perishing in a nuclear attack.
This is part 1 of this episode, with part 2 coming approximately a week from today. In two weeks, we'll return with a deep dive into post-Soviet Russian history, with a special focus on US-Russia relations.
Resources for the podcast:
- Alex Wellerstein's page at Stevens
- Nukemap
- Mike Davis, Buda's Wagon: A Brief History of the Car Bomb